Motoring Tabs

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Auto Journal | Orientation & Site Visit

Yesterday was the orientation for the studies in Light Vehicles Technology at TAFE Regency Park. The orientation not only covers what to expect in the course study, but also a site visit of the facilities will be used during the upcoming semester.

Jaime Campbell is the lecturer who will be handling the International Students and first impression is the man is passionate with automotive from motorbikes to his adoration for cars down to modifying and racing machines that a true ‘motor head’ can be defined about what the course is all about.

The site visit was brief and I get to take a few photos of the facility from the workshops, the tool store and the section for motorbikes. Clearly, TAFE is very extensive in turning your passion for cars into being a skilled mechanic. The preview taking a sort of ‘teaser’ study at Meralco Foundation has not given me something to expect how ‘full on’ this journey would take me.

But the photos would show you how studying in TAFE is worth the investment and time, which includes money how they mould young and not-so young minds into skilled technicians for the automotive industry is something to take in personally.

What you invested on will definitely show how you’ll get the hands-on experience of being educated into the world of the automotive industry. Beside the tour we were measured up for the uniforms and a pair of work boots as safety standards is one of the top priorities in working in this type of industry.

It’s definitely something of a new perspective coming from someone who only have glimpse of this industry from the outside and what really is to be inside of it. Most of the automotive industry I was exposed to was the pageantry and the exterior part of being invited to car launches and motor shows not the reality of how goes on the side where service or overhaul a car.

So this is sort of a semi-personal journal on what is the course study from someone who never had any experience hands-on at the same time a perspective about what the automotive industry is all about, which is something to appreciate and have an eye opening on how TAFE put their effort in making your passion into a pathway to a career or something to learn in how cars work.

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